AO Tennis is the official game of the Australian Open.
Create your own player, take them through the complete Australian Open tournament, right through to winning the trophy, or play in a quick match against the biggest names in Tennis.
You can unlock all of the players registered for the 2019 Australian Open tournament and experience increasingly higher difficulty, really testing your mettle.
AO Tennis controls are simple and intuitive, allowing you to swipe the screen in the direction you would like to hit the shot. The better the timing, the harder, faster, and more accurate or deft the shot.
AO Tennis adalah pertandingan resmi Australia Terbuka.
Buat pemain Anda sendiri, bawa mereka melalui turnamen Australia Terbuka yang lengkap, hingga memenangkan trofi, atau bermain dalam pertandingan cepat melawan nama-nama besar di Tennis.
Anda dapat membuka kunci semua pemain yang terdaftar di turnamen Australia Terbuka 2019 dan mengalami kesulitan yang semakin tinggi, benar-benar menguji keberanian Anda.
Kontrol AO Tennis sederhana dan intuitif, memungkinkan Anda untuk menggesek layar ke arah yang Anda inginkan. Semakin baik waktunya, semakin sulit, lebih cepat, dan lebih akurat atau cekatan tembakan.
AO Tennis is the official game of the Australian Open.
Create your own player, take them through the complete Australian Open tournament, right through to winning the trophy, or play in a quick match against the biggest names in Tennis.
You can unlock all of the players registered for the 2019 Australian Open tournament and experience increasingly higher difficulty, really testing your mettle.
AO Tennis controls are simple and intuitive, allowing you to swipe the screen in the direction you would like to hit the shot. The better the timing, the harder, faster, and more accurate or deft the shot.